Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mosaic Muddle

Today I am trying my hand at mosaic. Got out my hammer and the blue and white plate that we had no use for and broke it to pieces, sure hope this works. I want to make it a mosaic top to the old table we use on the porch outside. I have an appointment with a surgeon in Evansville on Aug 7 and this waiting game is sure long. Saw a full time RN position posted in paper today for Baptist home health, guess they are posting my job. I dont blame them as they have been working short for so long. Wish they would at least let me know, though.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Waiting Game

Well its been 2 weeks and I am still waiting word from work comp and MD office to make a decision if & when I will have surgery to repair the right shoulder that the first DR? screwed up. I cant quilt on my longarm quilting machine for any lenght of time without pain, cant go back to work to my nursing job as case manager in home care. I know the door is closing for me and another is opening just a little, I see a glimpse but God please let me see more, cause I am getting pretty blue with the whole system and mess. So much for crying the blues'.

I started cutting a lavender quilt for my 6mo. old DGD. I will try to do some sewing and see if my arm can take the pain. Just have to keep the creative juices flowing.

I sure am getting good at bidding on ebay. Have so many quilt tops stashed away now dont know when I will ever finish them. It is so easy to bid and darn it I keep winning them, just cant pass up a good deal. I have them hidden all over the house sure am glad Kenny has a bad memory. When he finds one, I just say, I told you about that one , dont you remember? and he answers "O Yeah".

This is my first ever attempt at blogging. hope it isnt too weird. Irene